100 Portraits 2017: my son, the anti-hero


I looked up ‘anti-heroes’ and feel that this young man would not mind being grouped together with movie characters like Jason Bourne, Michael Corleone, Gordon Gekko & Deadpool…. as such portrait 14 is a pretty spot-on snapshot of my oldest offspring. Even as a youngster watching Disney movies Josh related more with the shadier characters like Captain Hook and Scar, and once old enough to articulate it relegated the good guys (Peter Pan, the good-hearted Simba) as `pussies`. Hey, he just came out that way. Despite this, he`s still a good human being, an incessant  entrepreneur, (if you`re looking for some online nutrition & physique training hit him up,) and a bit of a world traveller to boot. Like any good villain he likes to stay on the move… Stay safe my son!

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