“Yes, she said”

“Yes, she said”, wood, ink, oil and varnish, 22″ x 70″ x 5 1/4″ Price $2200

This was my first large scale binary piece. I had a clear design from the start and had a ton of fun making it. The support has a convex curve, made with 1/4″ ply stretched over a ribbed substrate. The frame around it is walnut with an oil finish (top and bottom) and the sides are beech stained black with India ink. The title, “Yes, she said”, (which is what this pieceĀ  spells out in binary code) was selected for its brevity and open-ended meaning. A lot could be derived from it, but generally, a positive vibe.

If you are interested in purchasing this piece or inquiring about a commission, please contact me at scotthamiltonart@gmail.com. Thanks for visiting!

Below is a link to a short film that my son made for a media program he was in that features the making of this artwork. I think he did a great job.